Kettering University Names Terrace in Patti Engineering’s Honor
Patti Engineering is pleased to announce that Kettering University has named a terrace in Patti Engineering’s honor. As the first new building on campus in 20 years, the Learning Commons are meant to be a combination of collaborative areas for teamwork and socializing. The building was designed with no offices or classrooms. Instead, spaces include study niches, media kiosks, a coffee shop, an art gallery, a fabrication lab, an auditorium, studios, a cafe, and more. Kettering University broke ground for the Learning Commons in February 2020 and had its grand opening last week on September 23rd. See the below photos from the event!
“The support from Patti Engineering has been tremendous — employing co-op students, speaking on campus, partnerships with faculty, lab design support — a multi-faceted and fully engaged partnership for which we can’t thank Sam and Patti enough,” said Dale Pilger, Senior Director of Corporate Relations. “Their early commitment to the Learning Commons project by naming the Patti Engineering Terrace was inspirational to many other prospective donors and helped us make this building a reality. We thank Patti Engineering greatly for their support.”
Founded in 1919 in Flint, Michigan, Kettering University is known worldwide for its successful programs. Unlike most universities in the area, Kettering University requires that students work in local industries alongside their course work. Students rotate between two school terms and two work terms each year and are given the invaluable opportunity to experience real-world situations before graduating. The program is capped off with a thesis project where students manage their own project from start to finish. For many students, the project is directly related to their co-ops and ranges from new product development to business improvement.
“Kettering University is one of the premier engineering schools in the country. Their rigorous 5-year program that includes a full co-op experience and incorporates a senior thesis builds outstanding engineers and often dynamic entrepreneurs,” says Sam Hoff, Class of ’90 and CEO of Patti Engineering. “I am proud to call it my Alma-Mater, proud to have my son go there, and proud to be associated with such a great institution.”
Hoff is not the only Kettering alum at Patti Engineering. Many other employees, including VP of Engineering Dave Foster, graduated from the prestigious university. But the links do not stop there; Patti Engineering employs two to four co-ops from Kettering in the Auburn Hills office each year.
Earlier this month, Hoff had the opportunity to speak to the Kettering Student Alumni Council about entrepreneurship and life lessons. While visiting, he also got a sneak peek at the Patti Engineering Terrace at the newly opening Learning Commons. In addition, in 2021 Hoff was honored with its Alumni Service Award at an Evening of Distinction and Determination.