Patti Engineering ESD Regional Future City Competition

Patti Engineering Names St Valentine Catholic School Winner of its Special Award at Regional Future City Competition

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On January 26th, Patti Engineering sent a team of engineers to the Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD) Regional Future City Competition which took place at Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, MI. We congratulate St. Valentine Catholic School from Redford, MI, for winning Patti Engineering’s “Best Use of Automation Technology” award, and for placing third in the overall competition!

Patti Engineering ESD Future City Competition

This is Patti Engineering’s 5th consecutive year supporting ESD’s Regional Future City Competition. Future City is a national, project-based learning experience where students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade imagine, design, and build cities of the future. Students work as a team with an educator and engineer mentor to plan cities using SimCity™ software; research and write solutions to an engineering problem; build scale models with recycled materials; and present their ideas before judges at Regional Competitions in January. Operating in 37 regions, Future City works with 1,350 schools and reaches 40,000 students in the semester-long program. Regional winners represent their region at the National Finals in Washington, DC in February. Find Future City at

“The Future City Competition is an important educational tool for developing student interest in technology and engineering,” said Sam Hoff, CEO of Patti Engineering. “We applaud the Engineering Society of Detroit’s efforts to inspire the next generation of engineers. It is a great opportunity for us to give back to our community in a meaningful way.”

Related categories: Blog Community Michigan

Sam Hoff's Bio


Samuel M. Hoff, Chief Executive Officer, started the company from his home in 1991. Since then he’s expanded his business to more than 35 college-degreed engineers. Patti Engineering has engineering offices in Auburn Hills, MI, Austin, TX, and Indianapolis, IN.