Sharing Solutions to Industrial Cyber Security Challenges
In a recent Control Magazine multi-part series titled ‘You Can Be a Cybersecurity Badass,’ author Jim Montague explores how system integrators and end users are sharing best practices around cybersecurity like never before.
As Montague explains in the article, in the past, common wisdom was that airgaps were sufficient for providing cybersecurity on the plant floor. However, that is no longer feasible and the approach has been proven ineffective. New frameworks and tools are necessary to keep facilities safe.
Montague interviews multiple industry experts to explore this topic, including Sam Hoff, CEO of Patti Engineering. Read an excerpt of Sam’s contribution to the article below.
Magazine Excerpt:
“Too many people still bury their heads in the sand and ignore cybersecurity problems,” says Sam Hoff, CEO of Patti Engineering, a CSIA-certified system integrator in Auburn Hills, Mich. “Unless their equipment goes down, they think they have no issues. However, they could have a cybersecurity breach and not even know it’s happening, while unscrupulous competitors or other bad actors steal their data or cause other problems. This situation is slowly changing, but not nearly as fast as the industry needs.”
To read the full articles online see Control Magazine’s website:
You Can Be a Cybersecurity Badass – Part 1
You Can Be a Cybersecurity Badass – Part 2
Related categories: Blog Control Systems Integration