Nick Hitchcock's Bio

Texas Director of Operations

Hired in 2008, Nick Hitchcock has served in several engineering and management roles in the company’s Austin office. Starting out at the Michigan office, and moving to Texas in July 2010, he now serves as the Director of Texas Operations.

Uncaging Your Industrial Robots

You probably already know that traditional industrial robots can be used in places that are too dirty, dangerous, or dull for humans. In fact, manufacturers have often used them for applications like lifting car frames, palletizing heavy items, or spraying...

Robot ROI Checklist

A common misconception about Robot Return on Investment (ROI) is that labor cost savings achieves an acceptable payback period.  This is often not the case – simply replacing a human operator with a robot is not always a smart decision.  A robot needs to fit into the...
Robot Cell Blog

Controls on a Robot Cell

We recently completed a robot cell project for a machine manufacturer which was the result of collaboration between a few teams. Our customer designed and built the machine. Two specialists designed the two stations within the cell. The Patti Engineering team was...

Arc Flash Safety

Blog post by Marc Bourque, Electrical Engineer What is arc flash, and why should you be concerned about it? What is arc flash? Arc flash (also called a flashover) is an uncontrolled release of energy. The name arc flash pretty...